We are the Coffyn family, North Texas missionaries serving with Wycliffe, based out of Canada. We work in a global video ministry. Check out a few of our films below.

Engagement with Scripture

For the global church to flourish, meaningful engagement with God’s Word in the heart language is essential. How does that happen in different communities and cultures? This video unpacks part of this vital Wycliffe ministry.

Journey in Generosity

This short film is a glimpse into the generous hearts of a giving family. Wycliffe partner story with George, Marilyn and their adult kids.

Bible Translation

God is using Scriptures, in the languages and forms people understand best, to transform lives in many countries and cultures. But millions of people around the world still have no access to His Word. Find out more in this engaging video.

Healing Trauma

From two civil wars to active rebel groups and widespread corruption, the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have suffered unthinkable trauma. This film highlights two moving stories of Congolese who found hope to go on because of biblical teaching they received on trauma healing.

Wycliffe in 60 Seconds

Travel with us around the world as a professor, pastors and laypeople share their thoughts about the Bible translation ministry. This is the first in the series, Wycliffe in 60 Seconds.

Rehema's Story

Rehema’s Story is an upbeat and authentic glimpse into the life of a young Ndruna boy growing up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the end, Rehema tells us, in simple childlike fashion, that something of huge spiritual significance is unfolding in his village.

This Grand Story

Who is Wycliffe Bible Translators? What do they do and who are the people they serve? You might be surprised. Take a quick jaunt around the world and uncover Wycliffe’s heart and passion to see God revealed to minority language communities.

Encourage and Equip

High in the Peruvian Andes, in the remote villages and towns surrounding Cusco, live 1.5 million Cusco Quechua people. Though the Scriptures have been published for 30 years in their mother tongue, church leaders in hundreds of these rural churches have never been taught basic biblical principles. Find out how one of our partner orgs, ATEK is changing that.

God's Love—an Open Book

God’s love and Wycliffe’s ministries are deeply intertwined. Discover how opening books—through Bible translation, literacy and related work—is foundational to the transformation of the minority people we serve.

Missionary Mom

Any way you slice it, being a mom in any culture is a fundamental role with mammoth impact. It’s especially challenging for moms who sacrifice the comforts of their homeland, travelling with their families to the ends of the earth to serve on the mission field. This is a must-see video for everyone interested in serving cross-culturally, including moms.

My Colour, My Language

In spite of a history marred by tragedy, God is at work among Canada’s First Nations. My Colour, My Language reveals how Bible translation among the Oji-Cree of Northern Ontario is affirming their identity and restoring hope in Jesus.

Fully Human

This educational short film reveals two key factors around the Bible translation ministry that helped elevate the status of women among the Folopa of Papua New Guinea. This is part of a video collection “A Light in the Jungle.”